
Paul Hawken on Sustainability

Recently Treehugger, the online magazine, interviewed Paul Hawken about his new book and the Global 100, the top 100 (supposedly) most sustainable companies in the world. For those who have never heard of Paul Hawken he is a writer, a speaker and an entrepreneur (Smith & Hawken, PaxIT).
It seems to me there is an underlying theme through all of Hawken's writings, that every organism is related and dependant on the other. In this interview he touched on the term "sustainability" and is quoted as saying, "A green movement fails unless there is a black, brown and copper color movement and that can only exist if the movement to change the world touches the needs and sufferings of every single person on earth."
"Sustainability," he says, "comes from seeing the world as a system - re-imagining the world in such a way that we can stay here." This applies not only at the macro level, but in design systems, manufacturing systems...it all starts with how we see them.
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