
Bill Clinton at Greenbuild

How do you "one up" Al Gore? Today's introductory plenary from former President Bill Clinton at Greenbuild in Chicago was both inspiring and sobering. His candid demeanor and challenging comments were an embodiment of the social attribute of sustainable design. Additionally he emphasized the economic opportunity in our present environmental challenges and encouraged attendees to create green building models that can be replicated in emerging economies. Regardless of your politics, his message was sound: the green collar economy is key to sustaining and replenishing our future.


BillsSundaySuppers said...

Michael, thanks for the report on Clinton's presentation. Man, we need more sobering inspiration in this country. Bill Clinton is an amazing speaker adn truly great leader - personal antics aside. Hope Chicago is going well.

Bill Grant

Anonymous said...

I'm going to Utah State University where we have an increasingly recognized interior design program. We recently had Penny Bonda come and speak to us about LEED accredidation among other things. I was surprised at how minimal the extra cost is to green up your project. It's amazing how readily accessible a lot of the answers are to our energy and conservation questions.

Last night Modern Marvels (i like to geek out to a number of tv shows) did a special on renewable energy including wind, geothermal, and alternative gasolines. There is plenty of technology out there that has such little negative effect on the environment. I wish that was advertised more so the public would start demanding it. When you think about projections like Professor Arthur C. Nelson's stating that approximately half of our buildings in the year 2030 will have been built after 2000, the urgency of greener practices becomes quite appartent, and the opportunity great.

Our blog is mostly about sustainable design in the interiors industry,
especially carpet. Sometimes it's just about us. Updated when we've got something good to say.